This section covers adding Blinks directly to your React dApp using our Blinks React SDK. The SDK is open-source and can be found on our Github.
# npm
npm i @dialectlabs/blinks
yarn add @dialectlabs/blinks
Adding the Blink Component
To simplify the integration, the following hooks are exported from @dialectlabs/blinks/react
- This is the overall hook, it fetches the Action, sets up an adapter, initializes a registry, and refreshes it every 10 minutes.
- This fetches the registry and refreshes it.
- This sets up an adapter for Action
using a wallet provider.
If you want to build your own hooks, use Action
, ActionsRegistry
, and ActionConfig/ActionAdapter
classes and interfaces.
If you are using the useActionSolanaWalletAdapter
hook, then be sure to have<WalletProvider />
and<WalletModalProvider />
above in the component tree.
Basic Usage
Here's a basic setup:
* Important: This component must be wrapped with <WalletProvider />
* and <WalletModalProvider /> in your application.
import '@dialectlabs/blinks/index.css';
import { Blink, useAction, useActionsRegistryInterval } from "@dialectlabs/blinks";
import { useActionSolanaWalletAdapter } from "@dialectlabs/blinks/hooks/solana"
const App = () => {
// Checks if blink exists in registry
// URL of your endpoint (blink provider)
const actionApiUrl = '...';
// Initiates adapter
const { adapter } = useActionSolanaWalletAdapter('<YOUR_RPC_URL_OR_CONNECTION>');
// Fetches the action from the provided URL
const { action, isLoading } = useAction({url: actionApiUrl});
if (isLoading) return null;
return <Blink action={action} adapter={adapter} />;
The URLs in ActionApiUrl and apiUrls must be direct action URLs and not interstitials or website urls with actions.json
Customize Blink Styles
Dialect's Blinks SDK supports customizable styles so you can render Blinks that match the style of your dApp or 3rd party site, such as Twitter.
To render a Blink with a preset, pass stylePreset
prop (which defaults to default
, the
theme) to <Blink />
import { Blink } from '@dialectlabs/blinks';
return <Blink stylePreset="x-dark" ... />;
Style presets are mapped to classes in the following way:
To override a certain preset use the following CSS variables:
Use .x-dark, .x-light, .dial-light, or .custom classes
.custom - does not contain any colors, radii or shadow
.blink.x-dark {
--blink-bg-primary: #202327;
--blink-button: #1d9bf0;
--blink-button-disabled: #2f3336;
--blink-button-hover: #3087da;
--blink-button-success: #00ae661a;
--blink-icon-error: #ff6565;
--blink-icon-error-hover: #ff7a7a;
--blink-icon-primary: #6e767d;
--blink-icon-primary-hover: #949ca4;
--blink-icon-warning: #ffb545;
--blink-icon-warning-hover: #ffc875;
--blink-input-bg: #202327;
--blink-input-stroke: #3d4144;
--blink-input-stroke-disabled: #2f3336;
--blink-input-stroke-error: #ff6565;
--blink-input-stroke-hover: #6e767d;
--blink-input-stroke-selected: #1d9bf0;
--blink-stroke-error: #ff6565;
--blink-stroke-primary: #1d9bf0;
--blink-stroke-secondary: #3d4144;
--blink-stroke-warning: #ffb545;
--blink-text-brand: #35aeff;
--blink-text-button: #ffffff;
--blink-text-button-disabled: #768088;
--blink-text-button-success: #12dc88;
--blink-text-error: #ff6565;
--blink-text-error-hover: #ff7a7a;
--blink-text-input: #ffffff;
--blink-text-input-disabled: #566470;
--blink-text-input-placeholder: #6e767d;
--blink-text-link: #6e767d;
--blink-text-link-hover: #949ca4;
--blink-text-primary: #ffffff;
--blink-text-secondary: #949ca4;
--blink-text-success: #12dc88;
--blink-text-warning: #ffb545;
--blink-text-warning-hover: #ffc875;
--blink-transparent-error: #aa00001a;
--blink-transparent-grey: #6e767d1a;
--blink-transparent-warning: #a966001a;
--blink-border-radius-rounded-lg: 0.25rem;
--blink-border-radius-rounded-xl: 0.5rem;
--blink-border-radius-rounded-2xl: 1.125rem;
--blink-border-radius-rounded-button: 624.9375rem;
--blink-border-radius-rounded-input: 624.9375rem;
/* box-shadow */
--blink-shadow-container: 0px 2px 8px 0px rgba(59, 176, 255, 0.22), 0px 1px 48px 0px rgba(29, 155, 240, 0.24);
Using these CSS classes, you can customize the styles to fit the UI of your application.