You'll probably have a multiple notification types for your app. By default all notifications are rendered with the same bell icon.
You can customize icon depending on notification types. For example you might want to have a green checkmark if notification is 'positive' for user, or add a red cross if notification is 'negative' for user.
See how to manage your notification types:
Here's an example how to achieve it:
'use client';import'@dialectlabs/react-ui/index.css';import { DialectSolanaSdk } from'@dialectlabs/react-sdk-blockchain-solana';import { Icons, NotificationTypeStyles, NotificationsButton,} from'@dialectlabs/react-ui';constDAPP_ADDRESS='...';// assume that you created notification type with human readable id 'fav_nft_listed'// You can add as many entries to NotificationTypeStylesNotificationTypeStyles.fav_nft_listed = { Icon: <Icons.Bellwidth={12} height={12} />,// custom react component to render icon iconColor:'#FFFFFF', iconBackgroundColor:'#FF0000', iconBackgroundBackdropColor:'#FF00001A', linkColor:'#FF0000',// notifications might contain CTA link, you can customize color};exportconstDialectSolanaNotificationsButton= () => {return (<DialectSolanaSdk dappAddress={DAPP_ADDRESS}><NotificationsButton /></DialectSolanaSdk> );};