Metadata API

Protocols now have the capability to share curated information about their dapps, customized to individual users based on their public key.

API Details

The data format includes key-value pairs that can represent various aspects of a protocol’s information, such as extended descriptions, APY, or token balances.

type DataRow = {
  key: string;
  title: string;
  value: string;
  icon?: string;
  url?: string;
type BlinkData = {
  rows: DataRow[];
  extendedDescription: string

Response Example

  "rows": [
    { "key": "apy", "title": "apy", "value": "7%" },
    { "key": "tvl", "title": "TVL", "value": "$2.28M" }
  "extendedDescription": "*Markdown markup*"

To streamline ecosystem integration, we recommend placing your metadata API at /metadata.

This standard location allows for efficient discovery and integration of your information within the ecosystem.

Structure your GET

Here's an example of GET request based on Jito's stake blink (with the metadata API located at /stake/metadata)

app.get('/stake/metadata', async (c) => {
  const account = c.req.query('account');
  const connection = new Connection(c.env.SOLANA_RPC_URL);

  const metadataRows: MetadataRow[] = [];

  const [projectedApy, jitoSolRate, solBalance, jitoBalance] =
    await Promise.allSettled([
      getProjectedApy(), // TODO: find source of this data
      // 0.083,
      account ? getBalance(new PublicKey(account), connection) : null,
        ? getBalance(
            new PublicKey(account),
            new PublicKey('J1toso1uCk3RLmjorhTtrVwY9HJ7X8V9yYac6Y7kGCPn'),
        : null,

With this GET request, your metadata API also gets access to the user's public key via account. This allows you to customize what data a user will get based on their wallet.

Check out Jito's Metadata here

Last updated

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