Add blinks to your mobile app

This section covers adding blinks directly to your React Native dApp through our React Native SDK for blinks. The SDK is completely open-source and can be found in our Github.


# npm
npm i @dialectlabs/blinks @dialectlabs/blinks-react-native

yard add @dialectlabs/blinks @dialectlabs/blinks-react-native

The following imports need to be made to simplify the blink integration

  • useAction hook and ActionAdapter type from @dialectlabs/blinks

  • Blink component from @dialectlabs/blinks-react-native

Basic Usage:

A getWalletAdapter function has to be defined to generate an adapter of type ActionAdapter for interactions with user wallets like wallet connect and signing transactions through the React Native dApp.

After that, the <Blink /> component can be used in the React Native dApp to render the blink. It takes the following props:

  • theme - has the styling for the blink to be rendered

  • action - object returned from useAction function (which requires the adapter from getWalletAdapter and Action URL)

  • websiteUrl - the complete URL of the Action

  • websiteText - the domain name of the Action URL

import { useAction, type ActionAdapter } from '@dialectlabs/blinks';
import { Blink } from '@dialectlabs/blinks-react-native';
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import type React from 'react';

function getWalletAdapter(): ActionAdapter {
  return {
    connect: async (_context) => {
      return PublicKey.default.toString();
    signTransaction: async (_tx, _context) => {
      return {
        signature: 'signature',
    confirmTransaction: async (_signature, _context) => {

export const BlinkInTheWalletIntegrationExample: React.FC<{
  url: string; // could be action api or website url
}> = ({ url }) => {
  const adapter = getWalletAdapter();
  const { action } = useAction({ url, adapter });

  if (!action) {
    // return placeholder component
  const actionUrl = new URL(url);
  return (
        '--blink-button': '#1D9BF0',
        '--blink-border-radius-rounded-button': 9999,
        // and any other custom styles

The blink styles can be customized by passing a theme prop to the Blink component. The theme object can contain any of the following properties:

--blink-bg-primary: #202327;
--blink-button: #1d9bf0;
--blink-button-disabled: #2f3336;
--blink-button-success: #00ae661a;
--blink-icon-error: #ff6565;
--blink-icon-primary: #6e767d;
--blink-icon-warning: #ffb545;
--blink-input-bg: #202327;
--blink-input-stroke: #3d4144;
--blink-input-stroke-disabled: #2f3336;
--blink-input-stroke-error: #ff6565;
--blink-input-stroke-selected: #1d9bf0;
--blink-stroke-error: #ff6565;
--blink-stroke-primary: #1d9bf0;
--blink-stroke-secondary: #3d4144;
--blink-stroke-warning: #ffb545;
--blink-text-brand: #35aeff;
--blink-text-button: #ffffff;
--blink-text-button-disabled: #768088;
--blink-text-button-success: #12dc88;
--blink-text-error: #ff6565;
--blink-text-input: #ffffff;
--blink-text-input-disabled: #566470;
--blink-text-input-placeholder: #6e767d;
--blink-text-link: #6e767d;
--blink-text-primary: #ffffff;
--blink-text-secondary: #949ca4;
--blink-text-success: #12dc88;
--blink-text-warning: #ffb545;
--blink-transparent-error: #aa00001a;
--blink-transparent-grey: #6e767d1a;
--blink-transparent-warning: #a966001a;
--blink-border-radius-rounded-lg: 0.25rem;
--blink-border-radius-rounded-xl: 0.5rem;
--blink-border-radius-rounded-2xl: 1.125rem;
--blink-border-radius-rounded-button: 624.9375rem;
--blink-border-radius-rounded-input: 624.9375rem;

Using these CSS classes, you can customize the styles to fit the UI of your application.

Last updated