🔄Changing Your Wallet

Let's say you have wallet AbC...dEf active in Dialect but instead you want to change your active wallet to XyZ...123.

To change your active wallet in Dialect Operator:

  1. Open your Phantom Mobile App and ensure that your active wallet (the one on the screen) is your intended wallet (in this case, XyZ...123).

  2. Fully close the Phantom Mobile App.

  3. Open the Operator wallet interface by clicking the blue "Dialect" button in the bottom left of your DM with @dialectbot in Telegram.

  4. Click the ⚙️ button in the top right hand corner.

  5. Select "Change Wallet"

  6. You will be deeplinked to Phantom. Phantom will ask you to accept the wallet connection, connecting XyZ...123 to Dialect. This does not give Dialect access to your private keys.

  7. After accepting the wallet-connect prompt, hop back over to Telegram. XyZ...123 should now be the active wallet in Dialect Operator.

Last updated