

Actions and Blinks are an ambitious new protocol allowing you to teleport actionable experiences from your product to anywhere else on the internet. The project is being worked on in collaboration with Solana, with the developer stack being built by Dialect.

Actions are a protocol for creating and delivering Solana transactions through URLs, making Solana sharable everywhere. Blinks, or Blockchain Links, are clients that detect Action URLs and unfurl them into full experiences.

You can think of Blinks as being like link previews with interactive capabilities.

We've teamed up with Solana's leading wallets to bring Actions and Blinks right to Twitter, with native support in Phantom, Backpack, and soon in Solflare. You can try them out today by enabling Blinks from your favorite wallet: ⚙️ → Enable Actions/Blinks.

Or try Dialect's dedicated Blinks Chrome extension.

Solana's top teams are building with Actions today.

These docs describe the Actions specification, how Blinks work to unfurl Actions APIs, and provide practical resources on how to get started developing today.


Dialect powers alerts for many of Solana's most loved projects. All of our tooling is open-source and free to use. Get started and send your first test alert in under 15 minutes.

See the Getting Started section for more information.

Last updated